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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sleep: Night One

Okay so we are begining work on our comic and that will be out some time this year, hopfully pretty soon. To hold your interests, I am working on a short story that will be updated every so often at the site. We will be trying to include voice overs to go along with the story which you can either listen to or ignore. Totally up to you. This way you can read it through and get your interpretation, or you can listen to the Artist's Interpretation. Thought it be interesting to read it through your own way and then have it read to you in our own personal interpretation. This can allow for some pretty cool discussions I think.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sneak Peek at Defiled Angel

What do you think?

Friday, May 29, 2009

First Comic is Coming Soon

Hey there. The foundation of our first comic has been determined and a sneak peek of it will be displayed shortly. We have a working title for this particular project which I cannot disclose at the moment. We've also contemplated on expanding the site. Initial idea was to keep all our projects on this site, which is now being referred to as the "Main Page" and have a link that would direct you to the site where each project is being hosted on. The main page would be used as means to hear from fans and provide updates.

The mission right now is to find a template that looks good and will allow us to link to other sites. The layout we have is considered to be temporary until we actually venture out and find something that we like. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Thanks.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Birth of Metal Crow Productions

Welcome to the birth of Metal Crow Productions. Today marks day 1 of our many projects that we plan on displaying here and across the world. We plan on displaying our creative talents in the form of web comics, videos, poetry, music, short stories, and many other means in which our creative juices flow. So sit back and relax and watch the show unfold. Later!
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